Dalmatius of Pavia

Saint Dalmatius of Pavia
Born possibly San Damiano Macra, Italy
Died 254 or 304 AD
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Feast December 5
Patronage Borgo San Dalmazzo

Dalmatius of Pavia (Italian: San Dalmazzo, Dalmazio) (d. 254 or 304 AD) is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. It is possible that Dalmatius was simply a local preacher of northern Italy, but the century in which he lived or the manner in which he died is unknown.[1]

He was venerated at what was called Pedona (present-day Borgo San Dalmazzo). His biography was composed in the 7th or 8th centuries, its author perhaps a Lombard monk of the monastery of Pedona who was drawing from oral tradition.[1]

His biography states that Dalmatius was born at Forum Germarzorum (present-day San Damiano Macra) and became a churchman and evangelizer in Pedona.[1] In the tenth century, when the area of Pedona was devastated during Muslim raids, Dalmatius’ relics were carried to Quargnento, where an inscription on his tomb read: [H]ic requiescit corpus sancti Dalmatii repositum ab Audace episcopo Astensi.[1]

In France, a tradition dating from the ninth century held that he died a martyr. Later legends state that he evangelized many cities of Piedmont, Emilia, and Gaul, and was killed for his faith in 254 or 304 AD.[2]

The Roman Martyrology, based on erroneous episcopal lists, considers Dalmatius a bishop of Pavia and lists his feast day as December 5.[2]

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b c d "San Dalmazio (Dalmazzo) di Pavia". http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/80500. 
  2. ^ a b "Patron Saints Index: Saint Dalmatius of Pavia". http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintd57.htm. 

External links